Friday, March 6, 2009

Types of Rudraksha based on color, size & quality

Rudraksha are classified into four types depending on color, three types depending on size and two types depending on quality.

Classification of Rudrakshas depending on origin:

I'm not going to tell about the geographical locations of Rudraksha trees. This classification is based on the story of Tripurasuras. Devi bhagavata Maha purana describes that a total 38 varieties of Rudraksha originated from the three eyes of Lord Shiva while he is meditating on Aghora Pashupatastra to kill the demons.

From the Right eye, with the power of Sun, 12 types of Rudraksha took birth in the color of red (Kapila varna). From the Left eye, with the power of Moon, 16 types in white color (Shweta varna) and from the Third eye, with the power of Fire, 10 types in black color (Krishna varna).

Classification of Rudrakshas depending on color:

Rudraksha are classified into white, yellow, red and black varieties based on color. White Rudraksha are called as Brahma variety. They are useful in gaining good character. Red colored Rudraksha are called as Kshatra variety. They are useful to rule the world. Yellow Rudraksha are Vaishya variety. They give wealth and prosperity. Black colored Rudraksha are Shudra variety. They give good health and increase longevity.
(Puranas allot these four types to four "Varnas" of Hindu community. We need not get confused with those sayings. Lord Srikrishna clearly told in "Bhagavadgita" that these four Varnas are created based on the characters and lifestyles, not by birth.)

It is also important to note that, in the nature, Rudrakshas are not available in pure colors as told by Puranas. Many Rudrakshas will be in Whitish yellow, Brick red, and Coffee colors.

Classification of Rudrakshas depending on size:

Amla fruit size (Dhatri phala), Zizyphus fruit size (Badari phala) and Chick pea size (Chana) are the three sizes told by Puranas. But, we are not uncommon with the mixed sizes.

Classification of Rudrakshas depending on quality:

The most important rule is Rudraksha must have rough thorny surface. A Rudraksha with a smooth surface is not energetic.

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Anonymous said...

Jay Siya Ram
where can i get white rudraksha from?
please e-mail me at
Thank you